糯米 ⋯⋯⋯ 300 g
臘肉 ⋯⋯⋯ 半條(約 100 g)
臘腸 ⋯⋯⋯ 1 條
蝦米 ⋯⋯⋯ 2 湯匙
瑤柱粒 ⋯⋯ 2 湯匙
冬菇 ⋯⋯⋯ 6-8 隻
雞蛋 ⋯⋯⋯ 1 隻
花生 ⋯⋯⋯ 60-80 g
葱 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 適量
老抽 ⋯⋯⋯ 1 茶匙
糖 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 1/2 茶匙
花生 ⋯⋯⋯ 60-80 g
葱 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 適量
生柚 ⋯⋯⋯ 1 湯匙
老抽 ⋯⋯⋯ 1 茶匙
糖 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 1/2 茶匙
1. 糯米用水浸3-4小時,然後沖水瀝乾。蝦米和瑤柱粒用150 ml的水浸軟,冬菇用200 ml的水浸軟;
2. 小鍋內放油(約2cm高),中火熱油後轉中小火炸花生,炸至金啡色(約8-10分鐘),取出備用;
3. 另一鍋內放入水、臘肉、臘腸,水滾便可熄火,浸1-2分鐘,便可取出;
4. 取出浸泡好的冬菇,搾乾水份,切去菇柄,保留冬菇水;
5. 取出浸泡好的蝦米和瑤柱粒並瀝乾,把蝦米水混入冬菇水;
6. 瑤柱粒撕開成幼絲,然後順序將葱、冬菇、蝦米、臘腸、臘肉切粒,如果先切臘肉、臘腸,砧板有油,切其他材料便容易滑手;
7. 雞蛋打發後,平底鑊放一點油,中火熱油後倒入蛋漿,轉小火慢慢搖動平底鑊令蛋液均勻地分佈,蛋熟後取出,待涼後切絲備用;
8. 中火熱鑊,先放入肥臘肉,煎到出油後(約1分鐘),放入所有已切粒的材料炒香;
9. 倒入已瀝乾的糯米,中火炒,等糯米吸收油份;
10. 糯米炒香後,加入2湯匙蝦米冬菇水,再炒,略乾再加2湯匙蝦米冬菇水,重複此步驟約15分鐘;
11. 炒15分鐘後,加2湯匙蝦米冬菇水,加蓋焗2-3分鐘,開蓋炒一炒,避免黏鑊,然後重複此步驟3次;
12. 開蓋加入混合好的調味醬汁炒勻,顏色均勻後,最後大火炒1分鐘,熄火,加入炸花生、葱花(留一點作裝飾用)拌勻,最後上碟,加上切成絲的蛋皮和葱花裝飾,完成!
* 蝦米冬菇水不要沿鑊邊下,最好灑在米上面。
* 每家的爐具火候不同,所以炒糯米時要自己注意火候和時間,免得炒乾。
Ingredients ( Serving for 2 )
Glutinous rice 300 g
Chinese cured pork belly ( Lap yuk ) 100 g
Chinese cured sausage (Lap Cheong) 1 pc
Dried shrimp 2 tbsp
Dried Scallops 2 tbsp
Dried Mushroom 6-8 pc
Egg 1 pc
Peanuts 60-80 g
Spring onion
Dark soy sauce 1 tsp
Sugar 1/2 tsp
Egg 1 pc
Peanuts 60-80 g
Spring onion
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Dark soy sauce 1 tsp
Sugar 1/2 tsp
1. Soak glutinous rice in water for 3-4hrs, drain the water. Dried shrimp and dried scallops soak in 150 ml water. Dried Mushroom soak in 200 ml water.2. In a small pot, add about 2 cm high oil in, turn to medium low heat.
When the oil hot enough, deep fry the peanut around 8~10mins, take out
from the pot.
4. Take the soaked mushroom out, squeeze the water and cut off the stems, keep the water.
5. Drain the dried shrimp and scallops, mix the shrimp water with mushroom water.
6. Tear the scallops into smaller pieces. Dice the spring onion, mushroom, dried shrimp, cured sausage, and cured meat in sequence.
8. Heat up a pan by medium heat, put cured meat to stir fry until the fat comes out. Add all other diced ingredients to fry until aromatic.
10. Add 2 tbsp mushroom water, keep stir fry. After being slightly dried, add 2 tbsp mushroom water again, stir fry. Keep repeat it for 15 mins.
12. Open the lid, add seasoning, stir it well. Turn to high heat to cook for 1 min. Turn off the heat, add peanuts and 2/3 spring onion stir it well. Serve on a plate put eggs and spring onion for garnish. Done~
3. Get the other small pot, put cured meat and sausage. Add water just enough to cover the meat to blanch 1-2 mins.
4. Take the soaked mushroom out, squeeze the water and cut off the stems, keep the water.
5. Drain the dried shrimp and scallops, mix the shrimp water with mushroom water.
6. Tear the scallops into smaller pieces. Dice the spring onion, mushroom, dried shrimp, cured sausage, and cured meat in sequence.
7. Beat the eggs, add some oil on a
fry pan, heat up by medium heat, add eggs, turn to low heat, make it
flat. Flip to other side, put on side when it's cooked. Cut in julienne.
8. Heat up a pan by medium heat, put cured meat to stir fry until the fat comes out. Add all other diced ingredients to fry until aromatic.
9. Add the drained glutinous rice to sitr fry.
10. Add 2 tbsp mushroom water, keep stir fry. After being slightly dried, add 2 tbsp mushroom water again, stir fry. Keep repeat it for 15 mins.
11. After 15 mins, add 2 tbsp mushroom
water, cover with lid cook for 2-3 mins. Open the lid to stir it,
repeat this step for 3 times.
12. Open the lid, add seasoning, stir it well. Turn to high heat to cook for 1 min. Turn off the heat, add peanuts and 2/3 spring onion stir it well. Serve on a plate put eggs and spring onion for garnish. Done~