日式咖喱牛肋條 Japanese Style Curry Beef Rib



牛肋條 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 400-500 g

紅蘿蔔 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 1 條

洋葱 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 1 個

蘋果 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 1 個

蒜頭、紅葱頭 ⋯⋯ 數粒

咖喱磚 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 一盒(4塊)

菜油 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 1 湯匙

料理酒 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 1 湯匙

牛油 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 2 湯匙


1. 蒜頭、紅葱頭切粒,紅蘿蔔、洋葱、蘋果、牛肋條切件;

2. 鍋內下菜油爆香蒜頭、紅葱頭,放牛肋條煎香後加料理酒盛起;

3. 同一鍋下洋葱、紅蘿蔔炒香後放入煎好的牛肋條一同再炒一回;

4. 加熱水入鍋,加至差不多蓋到所有材料即可;

5. 加入咖喱磚,慢慢攪拌至完全溶掉;

6. 然後依個人喜好加少許鹽、糖/冰糖作調味;

7. 大火煮滾後,蓋好蓋,轉小火炆煮約1小時;

8. 煮好後加入牛油攪勻,完成~

* 加點即溶咖啡粉或黑朱古力、肉桂粉,可增加味道層次~

Japanese Style Curry Beef Rib


Beef ribs  400-500 g

Carrot  1pc

Onion  1pc

Apple  1pc

Garlic, Shallot few pcs

Japanese curry roux  1 pack

Vegetable oil  1 tbsp

Japanese cooking wine  1 tbsp

Butter  2 tbsp


1. Dice the garlic shallot. Cut the carrot, onion, apple, beef rip in cube.

2. Heat up the pot, turn to high heat, add oil. Then sear the ribs until golden brown.

3. Take out the ribs. Add shallot garlic in the same pot turn to medium heat.

4. Add onion, apple carrot. Saute for 1-2mins. Put the ribs into the pot, add cooking wine

5. Add hot water into the pot until cover all ingredients.

6. Cut the curry roux in small pieces and put in pot, Stir it until melt.

7. Seasoning with salt, pepper. Turn to low heat when it's boil and cook for 1hour

8. Add butter and stir it before serve. Bon appétit~

* You may add some instant coffee / dark chocolate or cinnamon to get more flavor.
