材料 (2人份)
雞下腿 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 4 隻薑 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 80 - 100 g
米酒 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 3 - 6 湯匙
麻油 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 6 湯匙
高湯 / 水 ⋯⋯⋯ 500 ml
杞子、鹽 ⋯⋯⋯ 適量
1. 雞下腿洗淨切塊,杞子洗淨,切薑片(不用切太薄,約切成12片便可);2. 平底鍋放1湯匙麻油,中火熱油後放入雞肉翻炒;
3. 雞肉炒至半熟後,放入薑片一起炒香;
4. 炒至雞肉出油,加入2湯匙麻油一起略炒;
5. 把雞肉和薑倒去另一湯鍋,加入高湯(湯剛蓋過雞肉便可)加鹽調味,並加入一半米酒一起煮10分鐘;
6. 加入杞子、2湯匙麻油和剩下米酒的一半,再煮10分鐘;
7. 把最後剩下的米酒全部倒入,熄火並加入最後1湯匙的麻油,完成~

Sesame Oil Chicken Soup
Chicken drumstick 4 pcGinger 80 - 100 g
Rice wine 3 - 6 Tbsp
Sesame oil 6 Tbsp
Chicken stock / Water 500 ml
Goji berry, Salt
1. Cut the chicken drumstick in smaller piece, rinse the Goji berry, Slice ginger around 12 pcs.2. In a pan , put some sesame oil, turn to medium heat, add chicken to stir fry.
3. When the chicken become lightly brown, add ginger to stir fry.
4. When the chicken fat render. Add 2 more tbsp sesame oil slightly fry.
5. Pour every thing into an other pot, add stock and salt for seasoning. Add 2 tbsp wine cook for 10 mins.
6. Add goji berry, 2 tbsp sesame oil and 2 tbsp rice wine cook for an other 10 mins.
7. Add the remaining 2 tbsp rice wine, turn off the heat and add 1tbsp sesame oil, Done~
* Alcohol not good for children, especially under 5 years old. If you want to let the children who under 5 years old to eat. Please take out the children's part, before you add rice wine to cook.