豬梅頭扒🔸200 g
蝦仁🔸110 g(約10 隻)
乾冬菇🔸50 g
燒賣皮 / 雲吞皮🔸12 片
明太子 / 飛魚子 / 杞子🔸適量(裝飾用)
蝦仁🔸110 g(約10 隻)
乾冬菇🔸50 g
燒賣皮 / 雲吞皮🔸12 片
明太子 / 飛魚子 / 杞子🔸適量(裝飾用)
鹽🔸1/2 茶匙
胡椒粉🔸1/4 茶匙
糖🔸1/2 茶匙
生粉🔸1 茶匙
麻油🔸2 茶匙
冬菇水🔸4 湯匙(60 ml)
2. 把豬梅頭扒剁成肉碎,蝦仁切粒便好,不要切太細,這才吃到蝦肉;
3. 除了麻油外,把所有調味料和4湯匙冬菇水加入肉碎拌勻,然後略為摔打(或一直攪拌)至呈黏性;
4. 將豬肉、蝦仁粒、冬菇粒及麻油一同拌勻,便完成餡料,可以包餡(最後部分有包餡步驟);
5. 包好後,放在蒸籠紙或牛油紙上,水滾後蒸10分鐘,蒸好放上明太子 / 飛魚子做裝飾便完成了,Enjoy~
胡椒粉🔸1/4 茶匙
糖🔸1/2 茶匙
生粉🔸1 茶匙
麻油🔸2 茶匙
冬菇水🔸4 湯匙(60 ml)
1. 冬菇浸入暖水,浸軟後去蒂、榨乾水、切小粒,保留冬菇水;
2. 把豬梅頭扒剁成肉碎,蝦仁切粒便好,不要切太細,這才吃到蝦肉;
3. 除了麻油外,把所有調味料和4湯匙冬菇水加入肉碎拌勻,然後略為摔打(或一直攪拌)至呈黏性;
4. 將豬肉、蝦仁粒、冬菇粒及麻油一同拌勻,便完成餡料,可以包餡(最後部分有包餡步驟);
5. 包好後,放在蒸籠紙或牛油紙上,水滾後蒸10分鐘,蒸好放上明太子 / 飛魚子做裝飾便完成了,Enjoy~
Siu Mai
Pork shoulder 200 g
Shrimp 110 g(~10 pcs)
Dried Shitake mushrooms 50 g
Wonton wrapper 12 pcs
Mentaiko / Tobiko / Goji Berries (for garnish)
Pepper 1/4 tsp
Sugar 1/2 tsp
Tapioca starch 1 tsp
Sesame oil 2 tsp
Water from soaked dried mushrooms 4 tbsp(60 ml)
2. Chop the pork shoulder to mince, dice the shrimp.
3. Add all seasoning (except sesame oil) and 4 tbsp mushroom water into the pork mince, mix it well until it become sticky.
4. Add shrimp, mushroom and sesame oil, mix it well and fold the dumplings.
Mentaiko / Tobiko / Goji Berries (for garnish)
Salt 1/2 tsp
Pepper 1/4 tsp
Sugar 1/2 tsp
Tapioca starch 1 tsp
Sesame oil 2 tsp
Water from soaked dried mushrooms 4 tbsp(60 ml)
1. Dried mushroom soak in warm water for an hour before chopping. Cut off the stem, squeeze out water, dice in small piece, keep the water from mushroom.
2. Chop the pork shoulder to mince, dice the shrimp.
3. Add all seasoning (except sesame oil) and 4 tbsp mushroom water into the pork mince, mix it well until it become sticky.
4. Add shrimp, mushroom and sesame oil, mix it well and fold the dumplings.
5. Get a steam tray put baking paper on. Put Sui Mai on and steam for 10 mins. After steam, place a tiny bit of Mentaiko roe / Tobiko roe in the middle of each dumpling, done.
* If you use Goji Berries as a decoration, just add Goji on siu Mai and steam together.
* If you use Goji Berries as a decoration, just add Goji on siu Mai and steam together.
* The baking paper need to cut some holes to let the steam pass through.

2. Scoop about 1 tbsp of meat filling onto the wrapper.
3. Compress the filling into the wrapper by spoon.
4. Squeeze the dumpling to force some of the meat to rise, then flatten.

How to fold dumplings:
1. Make a circle by your index finger and thumb, and place the wrapper over the circle.
2. Scoop about 1 tbsp of meat filling onto the wrapper.
3. Compress the filling into the wrapper by spoon.
4. Squeeze the dumpling to force some of the meat to rise, then flatten.