芙蓉蛋飯 Egg Foo Young



雞蛋🔸2 隻
銀芽(切去頭和尾的芽菜)🔸40 g
韭黃 / 韭菜 / 葱(切段)🔸40 g
叉燒 / 火腿(切絲)🔸30 g
蝦仁🔸6 隻


1. 中火熱鑊後,白鑊(不放油)略炒銀芽約40秒;
2. 將銀芽取出後,鑊裡放一點油,中火煎香蝦仁和叉燒(約1-2分鐘);
3. 將雞蛋打發後,把所有材料加入蛋漿,加一小撮鹽調味;
4. 鑊裡下油(油要比平時炒菜多一點),中大火熱油;
5. 油熱後,倒入蛋漿,把蛋漿均勻地搖平,轉中小火把底面煎至金黃後,反一面把另一面都煎至金黃便可;
6. 把煎好的芙蓉蛋鋪上飯面,淋一點甜醬油(或醬油加一點糖攪勻),完成~

Egg Foo Young


Egg  2 pc
Bean Sprouts  40 g
Yellow chives / chives  40 g
Barbecued pork / Ham  30 g
Shrimp  6 pc


1. Heat up the pan with out oil by medium heat. Put bean sprout to stir fry for around 40 sec.
2. Take out the bean sprout, add some oil, put bbq pork and shrimp to fry around 1-2 mins.
3. Beat the eggs, add all ingredients and pinch of salt for seasoning.
4. Add 1.5 tbsp oil in the pan, turn to medium high heat to heat it up.
5. Pour the egg mix into the pan, make it flat, turn to medium low heat to fry until golden brown, flip to other side also fry until golden brown.
6. Server the  Egg Foo Young on the rice, add some sweet soy sauce, done.
