糯米粉 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 100 g室溫水 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 90 ml(75 g)
黑芝麻粉 ⋯⋯⋯ 60 g
牛油 / 豬油 ⋯⋯ 50 g
糖 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 40 g
桂花 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 適量
1. 將黑芝麻粉、糖和室溫牛油拌勻,放雪櫃30分鐘,到變硬為止;
2. 芝麻餡變硬後,分切成12份,略搓成球狀,再放回雪櫃;
1. 把水加入糯米粉中,搓成粉團,捏出一塊小糯米團(約1/10份量);
2. 先做粿引(粿粹 / 粄娘),將小粉團壓扁,煮一鍋水,水滾後,放入粉團,煮到糯米團浮起,取出,放入原先的粉團中;
3. 待粿引稍為冷卻後,開始搓粉團(剛開始搓時會很黏手,如果太濕,可略加糯米粉去搓),將粉團搓至不黏手,並有延展性,搓成長條,分切成12份;
4. 將糯米團搓圓,然後捏成一個碗狀,放入芝麻餡(最好用匙羹,不會弄黑手指),慢慢將餡料包裹,再搓揉成為圓形即可(包好的湯圓沾一點粉,避免黏到其他);
5. 鍋內放水和桂花,水滾後放入湯圓,稍為攪動,當湯圓煮至浮起,再煮約1分鐘左右便完成,Enjoy~
Tang Yuan (Glutinous Rice Ball)
Ingredients (12 pc)
Glutinous rice flour 100 g
Water 90 ml(75 g)
Black Sesame powder 60 g
Butter / Lard 50 g
Sugar 40 g
Dried Osmanthus Flower
Black Sesame Filling :
1. Mix the black sesame powder, sugar and room temperature butter, then keep refrigerated ( ~30 minutes ) until the mixture is firm enough.
2. When the sesame filling firm enough, divide into 12 portions, shape each piece into a ball, and put them back into the fridge.
How to make Tang Yuan :
1. In a mixing bowl. Add water to the glutinous rice flour, knead it into a dough, take around 1/10 of small dough out.
2. Flatten the small dough, and boil a pot of water. When the water boils, add the dough, cook until the dough floats. Take it out, and put it back to the big dough.
3. Mix the cooked dough and the glutinous rice dough. Knead the dough until it does not stick to your hands (It will be very sticky at the begin, if the dough too wet, add some glutinous rice flour to knead it). Roll into long strips, and cut into 12 portions.
4. Roll the small dough into a ball, then make a bowl shape. Put the sesame filling in (better use the spoon to put it in), pinch the opening shut and roll into a ball. Roll in glutinous rice flour to prevent them from sticking to each other.
5. Put water and Osmanthus flower into the pot, bring it to boil and put in the Tang yuan (Stir occasionally) , until it's float on top, cook for 1 more minute. Done~