Nasi Kuning with Teri Kacang
黃薑飯 Nasi Kuning
材料 Ingredients
米 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 3 杯(約 420 g)椰漿 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 400 ml
紅葱頭 ⋯⋯⋯ 1 包(約12-15 粒)
香茅 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 2 條
檸檬葉 ⋯⋯⋯ 2 片
黃薑粉 ⋯⋯⋯ 1 湯匙
鹽 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 3/4 茶匙
糖 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 一小撮
Rice 3 cup (~420 g)
Coconut milk 400ml
Shallots 12-15 pc
Lemongrass 2 pc
Kaffir lime leaf 2 pc
Turmeric powder 1 tbsp
Salt 3/4 tbsp
A pinch of sugar
拌碟材料 Garnish Ingredient
小黃瓜、烚蛋 Cucumber, Boiled egg 做法 Method
1. 米略洗淨,浸水4小時,然後倒去水分;
2. 紅葱頭切粒,用刀把香茅尾部拍散;
3. 鑊裡下油,中火熱油後,把紅葱頭炒至微黃,再放檸檬葉和香茅一起爆香;
4. 放入米、黃薑粉、鹽、糖,一起略炒,然後盛起放入蒸盤;
5. 蒸盤放好米後,倒入椰漿拌勻並鋪平,椰漿剛好蓋過米便可,蒸50分鐘,完成~
1. Rinse the rice and soak in water for 4 hrs. Drain off the water.
2. Dice shallot, use the back of knife blade to crush the lemongrass.
3. Add oil in a wok / large pan, turn to medium heat, put shallot to fry until golden brown, then add lemongrass and Kaffir lime leaf to fry until aromatic.
4. Add rice, turmeric powder, salt, sugar to stir fry for 1min. Put the rice in a tray.
2. Dice shallot, use the back of knife blade to crush the lemongrass.
3. Add oil in a wok / large pan, turn to medium heat, put shallot to fry until golden brown, then add lemongrass and Kaffir lime leaf to fry until aromatic.
4. Add rice, turmeric powder, salt, sugar to stir fry for 1min. Put the rice in a tray.
5. Add coconut milk just enough to cover the rice. Steam for 50 mins. Done~

炸花生魚仔 Teri Kacang

炸花生魚仔 Teri Kacang
材料 Ingredients
花生 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 500 g
銀魚仔 ⋯⋯⋯ 100 g
紅葱頭 ⋯⋯⋯ 6 粒
蒜頭 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 4 瓣
辣椒 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 4 條
檸檬葉 ⋯⋯⋯ 2 片
鹽 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 1/2 茶匙
椰糖 / 糖 ⋯⋯ 70 g
銀魚仔 ⋯⋯⋯ 100 g
紅葱頭 ⋯⋯⋯ 6 粒
蒜頭 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 4 瓣
辣椒 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 4 條
檸檬葉 ⋯⋯⋯ 2 片
鹽 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 1/2 茶匙
椰糖 / 糖 ⋯⋯ 70 g
Peanut 500 g
Dried Anchovies 100 g
Shallots 6 pc
Garlic 4 clove
Chilli 4 pc
Kaffir lime leaf 2 pc
Salt 1/2 tbsp
Coconut Sugar / Sugar 70 g
1. 中火熱油後,轉中小火炸花生,炸至金啡色便可(約8-10分鐘);
2. 紅葱頭、蒜頭、辣椒切粒;
3. 中小火炸銀魚仔,炸至金黃(約6-8分鐘);
4. 鑊裡放 2湯匙剛才的炸油,熱油後放紅葱頭、蒜蓉、辣椒和檸檬葉爆香;
5. 把炸過的花生和魚仔放入一起略炒,放鹽、糖,熄火再炒一炒便完成~
Dried Anchovies 100 g
Shallots 6 pc
Garlic 4 clove
Chilli 4 pc
Kaffir lime leaf 2 pc
Salt 1/2 tbsp
Coconut Sugar / Sugar 70 g
做法 Method
1. 中火熱油後,轉中小火炸花生,炸至金啡色便可(約8-10分鐘);
2. 紅葱頭、蒜頭、辣椒切粒;
3. 中小火炸銀魚仔,炸至金黃(約6-8分鐘);
4. 鑊裡放 2湯匙剛才的炸油,熱油後放紅葱頭、蒜蓉、辣椒和檸檬葉爆香;
5. 把炸過的花生和魚仔放入一起略炒,放鹽、糖,熄火再炒一炒便完成~
When soaking the rice, prepare the Teri Kacang.
1. Get a pan, turn to medium heat to heat up the oil, then turn to medium low heat to fry the peanut until golden brown.
2. Dice the shallot, garlic and chilli.
3. Medium low heat to fry the dried anchovies until golden brown.
4. In the other wok / large pan, add 2 tbsp of fried oil, turn to medium heat to fry the shallot, chill and kaffir lime leaf until aromatic.
5. Add the fried peanut and anchovies in to sauté around 1 min, add salt and sugar, turn off the heat and stir it well. Done~