味醂 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 1 湯匙
2. 再加1湯匙味噌均勻地抹整個魚頭,醃15分鐘;
3. 洋葱切塊,用1湯匙味噌和味醂抹均勻;
4. 取一大焗盤,洋葱鋪底,上面放魚頭,皮向上,表皮薄薄掃一層油;
5. 220℃焗15分鐘,完成,趁熱吃,皮脆肉嫩~做法
1. 魚頭洗淨,剪去鰓,淋上紹酒、放糖略為抹均勻;
2. 再加1湯匙味噌均勻地抹整個魚頭,醃15分鐘;
3. 洋葱切塊,用1湯匙味噌和味醂抹均勻;
4. 取一大焗盤,洋葱鋪底,上面放魚頭,皮向上,表皮薄薄掃一層油;

Grilled Salmon Head with Miso
Salmon head 1 pc
Onion 2 pc
Miso 2 tbsp
Shaoxing wine 1 tbsp
Raw sugar 2 tsp
Mirin 1 tbsp
1. Clean the salmon head, cut off the gill.
2. Put Shaoxing wine, sugar and 1 tbsp of miso paste to marinate the salmon for 15 mins.
3. Cut onion in cube. Add Mirin and use the rest of miso mix with the onion.4. Get a baking tray, put onion on bottom, salmon head on top, skin side up, spread some oil on top.
5. Put in oven roast in 220℃ for 15 mins. Done~