去骨雞扒 ………… 2 片洋葱 ……………… 1/2 個
甘筍 ……………… 1 條
馬鈴薯 …………… 1 個
西蘭花 …………… 1/2 個
牛奶 ……………… 500 ml
熱水 ……………… 100 ml
味噌 ……………… 2 湯匙
牛油 ……………… 1 湯匙
高筋粉 …………… 2 湯匙
鹽 ………………… 1/4 茶匙
糖 ………………… 1/2 茶匙
1. 雞扒切塊,加鹽拌勻醃一醃,醃雞其間,可以準備其他材料;
2. 所有蔬菜洗淨後,洋葱切塊,甘筍切粒(約2cm),馬鈴薯去皮切塊後泡水;
3. 西蘭花切小塊後,滾水烚2分鐘,取出浸冰水備用;
4. 醃好的雞肉沾一層薄薄的麵粉;
5. 中火熱鍋,下油,放入沾好粉的雞肉,煎至表面金黃後取出備用;
6. 取出雞肉後,鍋裡還有雞油,繼續用中火,放洋葱、甘筍粒炒香;
7. 洋葱炒到金黃後,放入馬鈴薯再炒一下,倒入熱水,再加入牛奶,轉小火把甘筍煮軟(約15-20分鐘);
8. 放入煎好的雞塊,煮3分鐘;
9. 味噌加點湯溶化後,加入湯內;
2. 所有蔬菜洗淨後,洋葱切塊,甘筍切粒(約2cm),馬鈴薯去皮切塊後泡水;
3. 西蘭花切小塊後,滾水烚2分鐘,取出浸冰水備用;
4. 醃好的雞肉沾一層薄薄的麵粉;
5. 中火熱鍋,下油,放入沾好粉的雞肉,煎至表面金黃後取出備用;
6. 取出雞肉後,鍋裡還有雞油,繼續用中火,放洋葱、甘筍粒炒香;
7. 洋葱炒到金黃後,放入馬鈴薯再炒一下,倒入熱水,再加入牛奶,轉小火把甘筍煮軟(約15-20分鐘);
8. 放入煎好的雞塊,煮3分鐘;
9. 味噌加點湯溶化後,加入湯內;
10. 最後放入烚過的西蘭花再煮1-2分鐘,吃之前加入牛油拌勻,完成~
Creamy Chicken Miso Stew
Ingredients (Serving for 4)
Chicken thigh (boneless) 2 pc
Onion 1/2 pc
Carrot 1 pc
Potato 1 pc
Broccoli 1/2 pc
Milk 500 ml
Water 100 ml
Miso 2 tbsp
Butter 1 tbsp
Flour 2 tbsp
Salt 1/4 tbsp
Sugar 1/2 tbsp
Onion 1/2 pc
Carrot 1 pc
Potato 1 pc
Broccoli 1/2 pc
Milk 500 ml
Water 100 ml
Miso 2 tbsp
Butter 1 tbsp
Flour 2 tbsp
Salt 1/4 tbsp
Sugar 1/2 tbsp
1. Cut chicken in small pieces. Add salt to marinate.
2. Wash all vegetables, peel off the potato skin cut in 2 cm cube and put in a bowl of water. Carrot and onion also cut in 2 cm cube.
3. Cut broccoli in small piece. Get a pot of boiling water, blanch for 2 mins, put in ice water.
4. Dust the chicken with flour.
5. Get a pot turn to medium heat, add oil, put chicken in to fry until golden brown. Then take it out
6. Use the same pot to sauté the onion and carrot.
2. Wash all vegetables, peel off the potato skin cut in 2 cm cube and put in a bowl of water. Carrot and onion also cut in 2 cm cube.
3. Cut broccoli in small piece. Get a pot of boiling water, blanch for 2 mins, put in ice water.
4. Dust the chicken with flour.
5. Get a pot turn to medium heat, add oil, put chicken in to fry until golden brown. Then take it out
6. Use the same pot to sauté the onion and carrot.
7. Add potato, boiling water and milk, turn to low heat cook for 15-20 mins.
8. Add chicken cook for 3mins.
9. Put miso paste in a small bowl, add some soup to stir and melt it , then add in the soup.
10. Add broccoli, cook for 1-2mins to make it hot. Add butter to stir it before serve.
8. Add chicken cook for 3mins.
9. Put miso paste in a small bowl, add some soup to stir and melt it , then add in the soup.
10. Add broccoli, cook for 1-2mins to make it hot. Add butter to stir it before serve.